Monday, December 29, 2003

Adobe Illustrator 10 SDK beauties

How to find out which is the name of a particular file format.

You have to acquire the sAIFileFormat suite and then do something like this:


 if( sAIFileFormat )
  long count = 0;
  AIErr er = sAIFileFormat->CountFileFormats(&count);
  if( !er )
   for(long i = 0; i < count; i++)
    AIFileFormatHandle fh = NULL;
    er = sAIFileFormat->GetNthFileFormat(i, &fh);
    if( !er )
     char szName[255];

     ZeroMemory(&szName, 255);
     er = sAIFileFormat->GetFileFormatExtension(fh, szName);
     if( !er )
     if( strcmp(szName, "jpg") == 0 )
      char* szNames = NULL;

      er = sAIFileFormat->GetFileFormatName(fh, &szNames);
      if( !er )

in this case I was interested in the jpeg file format (extension jpg).


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